Minta Rutile Project
Minta Rutile – Cameroon, Central Africa
Location map of the Minta Rutile Project, Cameroon.
Project Overview
The Minta Rutile Project comprises 18 granted exploration permits and 3 exploration permits under application, across 8,800km² in a critically under-explored area of known rutile mineralisation in central Cameroon.
Initial sampling has delineated areas of high grade alluvial and residual rutile at Minta and Minta East with no, or minimal overburden. Zircon, gold and monatite have also been intersected through on ground sampling.
Recent Activity
The first systematic, residual soil, rutile reconnaissance exploration program at the Minta Rutile Project in Cameroon to be completed soon.
Total of 168 hand auger drill holes taken across the priority residual soil areas to a depth of only 7m or blade refusal.
Panned samples taken from residual reconnaissance drill holes visually indicate heavy minerals (HM) across the entire length of the:
55km x 35km Minta; and
12km x 12km Minta Est deposits.
Results from samples submitted to second laboratory are expected to be received in the next 4 – 6 weeks.
In addition to residual soil drilling, mapping identified several potential areas of alluvial style mineralisation.
Alluvial reconnaissance exploration program planned to commence soon.
Minta Rutile Project residual soil reconnaissance auger drilling program - visual estimates of randomly selected planned samples (all available visual estimates are reported).